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Teacher Talk Blog | New Teacher Marking Stamps!
22 January 2014 10:43:00 GMT
New Teacher Self-inking Marking Stamps!
We're excited to show you this new range of marking stamps and a new box set as well!
Teacher Talk Blog | NEW! Christmas Personalised, Custom Teacher Stamp
7 November 2013 07:49:00 GMT
Christmas Designs - New to our Self-Inking Teacher Stamp range!
We've added some cute, funny and cool festive images to our custom stamp range to add some Christmas fun to your marking messages.
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Teacher Talk Blog | Why I love teacher stamps by Mdm Jane
4 November 2013 12:59:16 GMT
How and why I love teacher stamps!
Mdm Jane explains her love of teacher stamps and how she uses them to great effect in her English classes in France.
Pourquoi j'adore les tampons pour enseignants! - Mdm Jane
Je pourrai vous donner une liste interminable de bonnes raisons (en effet, je suis une grande fan!), alors j'ai détailé ci-dessous quelques manières de les utiliser pour vous montre combien ils sont utiles: Cliquez ici pour la version Française de cet article
Teacher Talk Blog | 9 Reasons to invest in a teacher self-inking stamp
12 September 2013 21:11:01 BST
9 Reasons to invest in a teacher self-inking stamp
Self-inking stampers are a low-key, low-cost innovation that can deliver great time savings and results for you as a teacher. Here’s an outline of the benefits they can offer you...
Read MoreTeacher Talk Blog | Personalised, Custom Stampers Have Arrived!
12 June 2013 15:49:57 BST
Custom Self-Inking Teacher Stampers have arrived!
We're excited to announce the addition of personalised teacher stamps to our school resources. Read on for information on options and reasons every teacher should have one!
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Let Marking Stickers Make Your Teaching Life Easier
10 April 2013 21:12:27 BST
Let Marking Stickers Make Your Teaching Life Easier
We're always on the looking for time saving tools Teachers can use to enable them to spend less time on marking and more time on lesson planning and focussing on their students. Here's our latest idea ....
Les autocollants de notation vous facilitent la vie en classe!
Nous sommes toujours à l'affût d'outils qui vont faire gagner du temps aux enseignants - Moins de temps passé a noter, plus de temps pour planifier vos leçons et vous concentrer sur vos élèves. Voici notre dernière suggestion...
Cliquez ici pour la version Française de cet article
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12 New French Self-Inking Praise and Marking Stampers in Stock
20 March 2013 21:07:14 GMT
12 New French Self-inking Praise and Marking Stampers Now Available
We've doubled our selection of French message stamps! Save time marking work and add a fun teacher message your children will appreciate.
Nouveau ! Tampons Auto-Encreurs en Français
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