24 New Reward Pencil Designs for Teachers!

We've gone a little bit mad and practically doubled our pencil range to include 24 new designs full of fun, praise and reward messages. Why? Well we think reward pencils are a perfect class gift - low cost but with big impact. These small gifts make a big statement whether to wish a student a happy birthday, praise their effort in for example reading or reward them with a star student award or a multiplication design pencil to say well done in Maths. Check out the new range - Click here and our now super duper huge range of designs - Click here. All available in packs of 12 or value boxes of 144 pencils our range has been enhanced in the following new ranges:

Happy Birthday From Your Teacher

Birthday pencils

A fantastic low cost birthday gift for your pupils, you can now wish them a happy birthday with a special 'Happy Birthday from your teacher' pencil, a Birthday Glitz design or even a deliciously scented birthday cake pencil.





Achievement Award Pencils

Award Pencils

A pencil is also a great way to reward effort and achievement. Displaying a message such as 'Achievement Award', 'Star Student' or 'Star Reader' your pupils would use their pencil with pride.





I love to read reward pencils

Literacy Pencils

What better way to mortivate literacy engagement than by rewarding effort with a special pencil that says - 'I love to write', 'Writing is exciting' or 'I love to read'.





Subject Reward and Praise Pencils

Subject Praise Pencils

Our range of subject pencils now support music 'I love music' and 'Mega music' glitzy designs, MFL with basic French phrases covered on this pencil and Spanish on this pencil, not forgetting Science with a 'I love Science' pencil and Maths with a 'Multiplication tables' design.





Dinosaur / Ladybird / Owl / Bee Reward Pencils for Teachers

Just for Fun Pencils

Sometimes just an image is enough and we just couldn't resist these super-duper heros pencils, ladybirds/ladybugs, owl, busy bee and smiley stars plus our favourite these dinosaur pencils which feature amazing facts about the most famous dinosaurs.