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Teacher Talk Blog | 4 New Teacher Stamps!
7 April 2014 07:45:00 BST
4 New Teacher Stamps!
These 4 new stamps bring our range of purple holder, Deskmate stamps to 10 in total. We think they're a quality and nice to use addition to our teacher stamp range.
The 'My wish is...' stamp is a new message for us to offer - it works as a great introduction for young children to the 2 stars and a wish marking scheme which we have available in our Xstamper 3-in-1 stamp range and as a stand alone, rectangular self-inking stamp.
The 'Good work' stamp created some debate as to whether it is a duck or a penguin - a penguin won the most votes! Whichever you think it is, there's no denying he's cute and a stamp image young children will love to see as a marking message from their teacher in their workbooks.
We already have stars and smiles in our other stamp ranges, these are of course slightly different but that's not why we decided to stock them - they gave us a great idea....
We've got something special in mind with these new Deskmate stamps ...
Have you noticed how great these Deskmate stamps look in our purple stamp holder and keep safe box?
In co-ordinating colours these stamps look stunning in the box and so we felt we should extend the box idea and introduce.....
Pick 'n Mix Stamp Box Sets!
Fantastic eh? You choose which 6 stamps best suit your teaching needs and we'll deliver them beautifully presented in one of our stamp holder and keep safe boxes! How cool is that?
We think this is a brilliant concept and so will be working to extend this offer to other stamp ranges. Once the Deskmate Pick ' n Mix collection is launched our next target will our French stamps (good news for all our wonderful French teacher customers out there!).