11 point MFL Spanish marking checklist: intensifiers, connectives, verb endings & more, customisable school stamper. Customisable text, school stamper available in choice of ink colours.

Text Customisation
Customise the text in this design to meet your marking requirements in 3 easy steps -
- Select the text alteration option (supplement applies)
- Detail your text amendments in the box below or email to info@schoolstamps.co.uk
- Checkout.
Choice of Stamp Mount - Nenga (not reinkable), larger Shiny EA700 (reinkable):
Both stamps offer a choice of 14 ink colours and are made to order so please allow 5-6 working days for delivery.
Xstamper Nenga value stamp:
Lasts for 2-3000 impressionsNot reinkableMax. image size 4x4cmShiny large stamp:
10,000 impressions before re-inking requiredReinkableMax. image size 10x7.5cmUpgrade supplement applies
SPECIAL OFFER (Shiny Stamp Only): Discounted refills with stamp orders. Order below.

TOP TIPS: Read our article on how to maximise the life of your stamp - Click here.